We’re Dedicated
Clinical Professionals

At The Nest Los Angeles, our team of dedicated staff are more than just professional clinicians. We’re a group of compassionate individuals who work closely with parents, ensuring every child gets the personalized attention they deserve.

We Empower Our Families

At The Nest Los Angeles, we don’t just support children; we empower families, giving them the tools they need for sustainable progress.

Trust Is Our Foundation

We build trust, nurture it and witness it transform the lives of our community for the better.

Meet Jessy Lichter-Maret

Jessy Lichter Maret is an experienced Early Childhood Expert, Behavior Analyst and Parent Educator. She brings over 18 years of experience supporting young children and their families in their households and educational lives while helping caregivers create values-based solutions around behavioral challenges, learning needs and family systems.
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Jessy has an extensive background working with toddlers and children through 5th grade, learning needs and language-based diagnoses. 

Jessy’s professional work includes research, direct service, parent education, case management, special education management, and clinical supervision. 

Most recently, Jessy served as director of a large, private Early Childhood Center in Hollywood, CA for six years, after transitioning from the public education sector on the east coast. Through The Nest Los Angeles, Jessy is thrilled to partner with you to support your family using Acceptance & Commitment Therapy as the foundational approach.